The Ambassadors of Progress to the discovery of Ostuni.

Press release N ° 8 – May 13th
The contestants of Miss Progress International welcomed by the Mayor Tanzarella before the visit of the white city.
Santa Maria di Leuca – May 13th – After a trip aboard a comfortable bus through the Salento peninsula, left from the Messapia Hotel Santa Maria di Leuca, the “headquarters”, the large group of competitors, carers and organization team members of the 2014 edition of Miss Progress International, was received into the council chamber of the Ostuni city hall by Domenico Tanzarella, the mayor of the city to which Giusy Nobile, president of the Associazione Culturale In Progress of San Giorgio Ionico, organizer of the event, handed a plaque with a dedication to the city.
“It’s with great pleasure and a bit of pride that we welcome again the contestants of Miss Progress International – began Tanzarella – who in addition to their undeniable beauty outward enhance the role of women and give the territory a visibility without equal in the world”.
In fact this year the girls come from all the five continents and will vie for the title currently held by Julieth Lugembe, the Tanzanian who triumphed in the first edition with her project dedicated to the protection of albinos that, in her country, live at the margins of society.
The few drops of rain that fell on Ostuni during the walk done through the alleys and the main monuments, did not prevent the girls and the journalists who accompanied them to enjoy to the fullest the wonders of the white town and buy some souvenirs. A hearty lunch caterer at “Lu Spessite”, in the city center, allowed to all to know some of the best dishes of the local cuisine. The mashed beans and orecchiette pasta dishes that were appreciated more.
You can still vote, until 16 May, your favorite contestant through the following link to the official event website: