Post Detail

16 May 2014

The Baroque of Lecce for the Ambassadors of Progress

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Press release #11 – May 16th

The capital of Salento saw the contestants of Miss Progress International meeting the president of the province Gabellone and the mayor Perrone. Sant’Oronzo Square and the Cathedral the most admired.

Lecce – For the contestants of Miss Progress International 2014 Lecce was the last stop of their tour of Puglia, before the final show of tomorrow night which, remember, will be broadcast live around the world via the internet.

Among the baroque buildings of Lecce
Among the baroque buildings of Lecce

From Porta Napoli the group reached the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, where a young man, waiting for the woman he married shortly thereafter, wanted to be photographed with the wonderful Ambassadors of Progress… who accept no responsibility for any disputes. The sound of the organ made it all the more appealing the glance that the cathedral has granted to the group that is then directed towards Sant’Oronzo square for the inevitable photo with the Roman amphitheater.

with the President Gabellone in the Lecce Province's building
with the President Gabellone in the Lecce Province’s building

A little later, in the courtyard of the Palazzo della Provincia, the president Gabellone thanked the girls for their commitment to the social issues, renewing the words of praise of the President of the Republic. The mayor of the city, a little later, gave his greeting and received a plaque, made by the Associazione Culturale In Progress, with a dedication to the city.

giving the mayor Perrone the plaque
giving the mayor Perrone the plaque

Immediately after, the return to Leuca where they started the rehearsal of the show that will conclude their adventure in Puglia.

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