Post Detail

8 May 2015

The Ambassadors of Progress are in Apulia

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Press release # 4

The participant at the third edition of Miss Progress International arrived at the Messapia Hotel of Santa Maria di Leuca. Today will begin the discover of the hosting region.

LEUCA – It is a well-deserved relaxation by pool that the cultural association In Progress, organizer of Miss Progress International, has granted to the contestants coming from all over the world. Defining exhausting their trip is an understatement.

the first arrivals at the hotel
the first arrivals at the hotel

The hardships caused by the fire at Fiumicino airport in Rome last May 6 has had repercussions that have caused the delay and the cancellation of many flights, including those to the airport of Brindisi and for some Ambassadors of Progress this meant tens of hours of travel, long waiting times at the airport and transfers.
The close-knit team of the organization has managed to cope with all of this and to allow all guests a long restful sleep and well-deserved moments of relaxation.

Black or white? (Haiti and Paraguay)
Black or white? (Haiti and Paraguay)

Today the first official date, at Manduria: in the early afternoon, the group will arrive in the Messapian city and, with an experienced guide, will know its artistic and historical marvels. Immediately afterwards for the beautiful aspiring to the title held by the Bolivian Arantza Barba, the adventure in the kitchen organized by the GAL Terre del Primitivo. The beautiful historic home of the consortium will host the contestants as cooker of local products and a nutritionist will describe to them the benefits of the Mediterranean diet.

Antonio  Zanata, the official photographer, at work
Antonio Zanata, the official photographer, at work

In the evening, the dinner show with the jazz group “Giuseppe Mazza & Antonio Nisi Quartet” and the pinch of Giulia Dalemmo and Leonardo Moscogiuri.
During the show we will be collected funds for Nepal, in support of the population badly stroke by the recent earthquake and the most stylish among the competitors will be awarded.


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