Post Detail

11 May 2015

Presented to the press the Ambassadors of Progress

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Press release # 7

The press conference of presentation of the contestants of Miss Progress International 2015 took place at Lecce’s Province palace. The day continued with the city tour and the cycle ride at Otranto.

LEUCA – Adorno Palace, venue of the Province of Lecce, hosted the press conference of presentation of the contestants participating in the third edition of Miss Progress International, the original event conceived and organized by the Associazione Culturale In Progress.

During the press conference
During the press conference

Professor Del Vino, chief of staff to President Gabellone brought the greetings of the province of Salento to the five continents represented by the Ambassadors of Progress.

Lecce 1 Lecce 2
The capital of the Baroque has charmed everyone and, after the first rehearsals with the choreographer Lino Perrone, the day continued with a visit to Otranto, where the mayor Cariddi has welcomed them. Much appreciated the monuments that have allowed to retrace centuries of history and also the cycle ride along the waterfront, thanks to the collaboration of Astrolabio Slow Tour that wanted to support the day, dedicated to the environment, by providing bicycles for everyone.

L'inizio della ciclopasseggiata
The start of the bicycle ride
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