Post Detail

12 May 2015

Alberobello and glamour for an unforgettable day

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Miss Progress International 2015
Press release # 8

The cameras go crazy, among trullos, the palms of the Music Village of Torre Canne and the San Giovanni quarries in Ostuni

LEUCA – Busy day, started very early because of the distance to be traveled by bus. First stop, the panoramic terrace of Alberobello, where the city’s mayor, Michele Longo, welcomed the group and gave the start of the tour to the discovery of this unique Unesco heritage site.

among the trullos of Alberobello
among the trullos of Alberobello

The trullos have literally enchanted the Ambassadors of Progress who also did some shopping in the old town.
The Music Villane pub Torre Canne then hosted the caravan multiethnic lunch. Exceptional and rich buffet in which stood out the pizza, adored by all guests.

MV 3 mv 1Antonio Zanata who started with the first glamour photoshoots, continued his work in the afternoon in the fantastic quarries-amphitheater San Giovanni, near Ostuni.
Unexpected, and very funny, the show that the same contestants have spontaneously organized.


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