The new Miss Progress International is Paraguayan

Miss Progress International 2015
Press Release # 12
The finale of Santa Maria di Leuca awarded the title of the competition dedicated to Environment, Health, Human Rights and Cultural Integration to the 21 year old Liz Arévalos. Modeling contracts for the delegates from Haiti and the United Kingdom.
LEUCA – Opening “friendly counselings” to sensitize teenagers to prevent the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancies and the transmission of sexual diseases. Thanks to this project, Liz Arévalos, 21 years old from Villarrica (Paraguay), university student of medicine, was awarded yesterday the title of Miss Progress International, the competition that give voice to the projects in favor of environment, human rights and health.

The new global Ambassador of Progress has been elected in the Salento during the gala held by the pool of the panoramic pool in the Messapia Hotel & Resort of Santa Maria di Leuca.
The show, organized by the cultural association “In Progress” chaired by Giusy Nobile and directed by Giuseppe Borrillo, was presented by Justine Mattera and Angelo Mellone.
Among the spectators there were the Mayor of Castrignano del Capo, Anna Maria Rosafio, and the Councillor for Tourism, Fernando Marzo.
The paraguyan contestant, who previously had received the sash of Miss Progress Health, won a grant equal to the 20% of the total cost of her project.
During the finals were awarded other titles: Susanna Shkrabak (U.S.A., human rights), Kelly van den Dungen from Holland (environment), Laila Khan Niazi of Pakistan (best national costume), Daiane Rosa, from Brazil (internet), and Neidy Robles of Mexico (cultural integration).

In addition, the Haitian Tatiana Beaublanc in the upcoming weeks will pose for a shooting of Ago Italia, the official supplier of sneakers worn by the delegates and Leya Laska UK will be the spokesmodel of the next “San Vito Beer Fest”.

“The world is talking about Miss Progress International – says Giusy Noble, president of “In Progress” – as evidenced by the substantial press coverage we received from our national directors and as can be verified on the web. We will work immediately for the next edition.”