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28 July 2018

MPI 2018: the online voting begins!

For two months, you will be able to vote for your favorite contestant for free, once a day, and contribute to the election of the Ambassador of Progress most popular on the web.

TARANTO – Very punctual, at midday today, the online voting has begun and will end at the same time of September 28th, a
few hours before the beginning of the final show of the sixth edition of Miss Progress International-Women for Progress.

That evening, live streaming, the whole world can watch the show that will start at 21 (Italian time) in the Muscettola Castle of Leporano.
Almost all the delegates sent their picture and are contending, with “like” hits on the social networks, the title that will be assigned to the most voted by internet users who will have two months to support their favorite one.

As always, expressing a preference a day will be completely free. Anyone with a facebook profile can do it with a couple of “clicks” starting from here.

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