Post Detail

25 September 2018

The press conference and the lunch in the farm

The presentation of the Ambassadors of Progress to the media and some shopping preceded the tasting of the rich buffet made of local products. The walk through the alleys of Grottaglie was completed with an interactive workshop with the pottery artisans.

TARANTO – The bus led by the nice Riccardo brought the multiethnic group from Campomarino to the shopping center Porte dello Jonio in Taranto, where numerous press representatives was waiting for the presentation conference.


The interviews and the usual photos were followed by a couple of hours of shopping, before the transfer to the ancient farm Iazzo of Grottaglie, where they were warmly welcomed by the organizers of Grott’Art, by the tutors and patients of the local EPASSS center and by a sumptuous buffet of local products, to the rhythm of pizzica, the traditional local dance in which the nice Michele has involved everyone.


In the afternoon the visit to the ceramics district. The contestants have been able to experience working with clay and learn how to mix and sculpt ceramic. The day ended with a walk through the evocative alleys of the city.


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