Miss Progress and Amnesty International against violence on women.

Also Amnesty International will be present at the seventh edition of Miss Progress International. The organizers will shoot in Puglia a video against sexual abuse.
TARANTO – After the IEO-CCM Foundation for the theme of Health and the WWF for the Environment, the cultural association In Progress announces the collaboration with Amnesty International, for Human Rights.Among the many initiatives that the international non-governmental organization supports and promotes, the contestants of the seventh edition of Miss Progress International will contribute to the fight against sexual abuse. Giusy Nobile, president of the competition, and Simona Di Nardo, head of the Puglia-Basilicata constituency of Amnesty International, have chosen together to create a short video in which all the Ambassadors of Progress will be protagonists. Shooting will take place in some of the places they will visit during their stay in Puglia.

“The initiative that we will carry out with the Ambassadors of Progress – says Simona Di Nardo, coordinator of the Puglia-Basilicata district of Amnesty International – will be perfect for our campaign ‘My body my rights’, aimed at the defense of the most intimate sphere of individuals. The idea that young women from all over the world lend their face to communicate that there is no person on earth but ourselves who can tell us what to do with our body fills us with joy and pride.”.
The appointment, therefore, is for September 27th, when the delegations that will participate in Miss Progress International-Women for Progress will arrive from all five continents at Brindisi airport.On October 4th, Amnesty International will award the world’s best human rights project in live streaming.