Post Detail

11 September 2022

The evaluation of the projects and dinner for the Women’s Cancer Center

todos juntos a la cena de caridad

Until late afternoon, the jury reviewed the projects and made its evaluations. Elegant atmospheres at the fundraising dinner for the IEO-Monzino Foundation. The Peruvian delegate Peru received the award for elegance.

SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA – Busy day, for the members of the Jury chosen by the cultural association In Progress to evaluate projects and communication skills of the contestants of the eighth edition of Miss Progress International.

the interviews place

From the morning, all the ambassadors of progress stood before them and, in the ten minutes available to them, described their project on the theme assigned to the represented country.

With each of them, later, the photographer Antonio Zanata, took “Profiles of the World” shots with which he portrayed the contestants in their traditional costumes and that will be published by the business magazine “Industria Felix”

posing all together at the charity dinner

Far more relaxed was the atmosphere at the fundraising dinner in favor of the IEO-Monzino Foundation of Milan, organized by the local Inner Wheel Club, the fellowship closely linked to the Rotary Club, which since 1924 has been bringing together women around the world to promote friendship and understanding.
During the evening, Gisela (Peru) was awarded by the guests as the most elegant contestant.

Gisela (Peru) awarded for her elegance
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